Woman with a Heart so White in Barcelona

  Sagrada Familia’s taciturn shadow casts a long and languid image of a black hair of a woman too nonchalant about the day.   It collects within itself Gaudi’s genius and lunacy of a vertical homage to God whose spires are too magnificent and bewildering to our distinctive thirst of artistic expression.  Inventive and striking beyond our … More Woman with a Heart so White in Barcelona

Jordan’s Mt. Nebo and our Moseses

Mountains have their essence, their own distinct character and conscience.  They also serve as a geological totem on the history of myth-making and socio-cultural definition on the convergence of people. In my imagination they most often loom oppressively large, majestic and breathtaking.  This is congruent to my limited experience of climbing local mountains and the … More Jordan’s Mt. Nebo and our Moseses